Chlorochorion monticola (Krause) C.Puff & Robbr.
Chlorochorion monticola (Krause) C.Puff & Robbr.
Family |
Rubiaceae |
Genus |
Chlorochorion |
Species |
monticola |
BR 0000008748591 (Record ID: 226034)
Collection |
Flore du Burundi |
Collector |
Reekmans Marcel |
Collector number |
Reekmans Marcel 7587 |
Collecting date |
05 FEB 1979 |
Locality |
route Ruyigi-Canguzo km 4 |
Country |
Burundi (BI) |
BR 0000008748485 (Record ID: 226033)
Collector |
Lisowski Stanislas |
Collector number |
Lisowski Stanislas 59130 |
Collecting date |
11 MAY 1971 |
Locality |
Haut-Shaba, Domaine de Muhila, audessus du ravin de la Laula.. |
Country |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the (CD) |
BR 0000008747136 (Record ID: 226032)
Collector |
Lisowski Stanislas |
Collector number |
Lisowski Stanislas 59129 |
Collecting date |
12 MAY 1971 |
Locality |
Haut-Shaba, Domaine de Muhila, env. de Kamabale, rivière Mwei. |
Country |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the (CD) |
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